One of my favourite bloggers in home interior design is Adela Parvu. Her advice on how to transform a house into a home is very good and usefull so I thought I'll share her tips with you.
Her recent post was about the necessity of working with an interior designer when re-decorating your home.
To transform your living space into a dream home you should hire a person who knows exactly how to transpose your ideas into reality and do a great job!
A warm welcome to your interior designer.
When you are ready to put your plan into action you should already have prepared a budget. When you know what amount of money you have available then you can talk to an interior designer about your vision.
Why a budget is important for redesigning your home? According to your budget the interior designer knows what solutions to choose for you.
Nowadays, the options for furniture, accessories, etc are endless so there is plenty to choose from for every budget.
Let's take an example: If you go for a minimalist high street living room furniture it will cost you less than when you choose a designer brand for the same style, even same colors. Apparently, both "are the same" but the differences are in functionality, hinges, wood quality and brand. It all comes down to your finances.
Another reason to plan a budget is the actual interior decorating process, starting with choosing the color and amount of paint, plasterwork, painting the walls, buying the laminated floor, electrical work, etc. Things can easily get out of hand when you're caught in buying everything from everywhere!
There is no point to buy the furniture and accessories beforehand if you plan to restructure your home.
However, if you do go shopping(?!!!) before your house is ready, always make sure you have a clean, dry place to store your new products until the work is done.
Be careful with money! Some items have to be just pretty and affordable, other ones should be of high end quality, resistant and...dearer. But most importantly, everything has to fit your budget!
It's like wearing a look: clothes can be simple and cheap, quality!
How complex can your redecorating plan get? depends. Do you just have to paint the walls, buy furniture, lighting and accessories or do you have to call the "DIY SOS" team? What's the scale of the renovations? Do you have to move out from your house or can you live on site?
Overall, your budget comprises of:
When you book an appointment with an interior designer you have to envision a clear picture of your dream home, let him know your interests, regular activities around the house, your passions. Take as an example, if you have children that play musical instruments let him know you will have to soundproof one of the rooms, or that you enjoy your morning coffee in the conservatory thinking of Ralph's Restaurant in Saint-Germain-des-Pres, places you love from your trips, things you own that have a sentimental value. In addition, bring the maximum 20 photos with houses, rooms, colors, ornaments you like.
This way it will be easier to send your dream across!
Now remember...a budget and an idea board :)
What exactly do you pay when hiring an interior designer? I'll let you know on my next blog post.
Hope the information comes in handy.
Disclaimer: All photos were taken from
Content was adapted and translated from the above blogspot.